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Everything posted by Carnevil

  1. Rain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Purple Rain. By the way I love Deep Purple, Perfect Strangers is an awesome song
  2. Not do be a d*ck, but why post this here. Is getting banned from that good for nothing forum a big deal? You shouldn't expect anything more from the mods there, that place is a freaking sewer.
  3. Arch linux 0.7.2 with the new 2.16.17 kernel. It's an alright distro, I've had a few problems, including X crashes and sound problems. But I've got most of those ironed out, I don't think I'll keep using this over FreeBSD, but it's nice. Here's some nice scenery.
  4. It was 90 here, but I watched a great fight on HBO. It was Jermain Taylor VS Winky Wright, great fight.
  5. lock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.combination lock