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Everything posted by bobbynichols

  1. ... 77 Sunset Strip....... one might need to be even older
  2. No Halloween for the wife and I. Neighbors out here are sparse enough... other than family... our nearest neighbor is quarter mile a way... and we have no sidewalks nor street lights for foot traffic. The grandkids get ferried out to the big city (Georgetown [California] and/or Placerville) to do their trickortreating. What we look forward to is the day after Halloween candy sales and stock up on or favorite source of vitamin C (chocolate) for a good long time
  3. (Thanks for the retraction JDoors... Cats are people too.) In memory of Figaro Great pics Naming is hard... my wife got a kick out of them too
  4. I enjoyed the distaff comments and thought to do more research and reflect... here's what I found quoted in another forum (unfortunately the comments that followed the post were not exactly family friendly... so I do not link to the forum). Hopefully this is not political and too far beyond the bounds of this reputable forum... . . . "If Men Could Menstruate" by Gloria Steinam from Ms. VII October 1978 "A white minority of the world has spent centuries conning us into thinking that a white skin makes people superior - even though the only thing it really does is make them more vulnerable to u
  5. I penned this poem the evening after I had been related a true story of terror by my son-in-law's father who was camping in the hills hereabouts a few years back. I do embellish a bit... and forgive the hokey music... I thought it was fun and appropriate at the time. I do need to format the page much better (understatement/sigh!), but then there never seems enough time. My poem>>> "Hell on the Mount" by Bobby Nichols ... enjoy!
  6. ... comfort............ as in 'to console another over a loss'
  7. ... Cow Palace... now there's an odd name for a venue!; where I attended my last concert (Metallica) over 10 years ago (was it really that long ago?)
  8. Peace man.........I just flashed this at you on my way to SF.................on my Harley:-) (that's) HEAVY!......I'm stuck at the Filmore waiting for the next Dead concert! My VW Bus broke down..... ... Psychedelic !!!... (flashback to "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe about a day glow bus...)
  9. . . ... Dizzy Dean........... go Cards !!! (since the Yankees and the A's and the Giants aren't in the series)
  10. Fluid anti-freeze ... coolant beer ... belly
  11. ... The Soap channel ( 262 on Direct TV in my area )... Soapys 24/7... fear it !