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Posts posted by Honda_Boy

  1. I just realized my cell phone was turned on and sittin right next to the speakers. It's been known to cause interference for no apparent reason. whether recieving calls or not it just interferes. piece of junk. oh well it's still better than my back-up.

    Thanks for lettin me know what to do. i figured it was something to do with networked folders or drives. Thanks! This'll make sharing files a breeze.

  2. Ok It's new WiFi Card for Christmas has allowed me to finally put my wireless router to good use. Well there's a bunch of crap on my main system I'd like to have on my room computer too, but I'm sick of CD-RW's and I sure ain't downloadin all that crap a second time. So how can I do this? I figure it'd be a program in system tools but I don't see anything. Thanks for any help.

    Also do WiFi cards cause Interference in computer speakers or is all this noise which I have heard at school from the TV's when people are recieving calls or text messages my brothers cell phone ringin off the hook. So far 3 times to day while the speakers are on have I heard this.

  3. I've picked up some more sweet shwag. I got a new DVD player from my bro ( already have a DVD drive in my bedroom computer but 17 inch monitor and possible choppy playback vs. smooth playback and 19 inch TV...yeah) , I got the Mouse and the WiFi card, i'm using the WiFi right now in my room, i got the King Tiger, some fleece jackets an AC/DC Shirt and hoodie and Queensryche's first album. Awesome stuff. i think my favorites are the DVD player and the WiFi card. Now when someone else is usin the Sidewinder I can at least still surf the net on Moo. (i call it Moo cause it's a Gateway)

  4. Doesn't really matter anymore cause I decided to trash that linux install and I have another on another hard- drive that as soon as I can restore the dual boot or give up and re-install i'll take a crack at it. Now do finished drivers end in .ko casue if they do I already have some ready for Fedora Core that Ralink has provided on their website. Right now though I am making use of the new WiFi card but the only OS I could get it to work in was XP and the only copy I have is installe don my main system so I'll have to find a copy for this system or reinstall every month.

  5. SHould I use the Set Point software, cause I had always noticed that my 510 never looked like it moved all that smoothly on the screen with the old mousewares, and on my 98se/FC4 box my old plain Logitech optical moved smooth as could be. I noticed before I uninstalled mousewares to prepare for setpoint that that without the software installed my 518 moved smoother. I was using 518 before I uninstalled the mousewares.

    What do ya'll think? the only feature that doesn't work witout the software is the program switcher which I have found Kinda worthless on my 510.

    Regardless the new New mouse is sweet. can't wait to try my wireless network card and DVD player. both main and room pc already have DVD drives but TV in my room is a little bigger than monitor in my room and I have a pretty sweet little speaker setup jerry rigged into my stuff up there. 6 1/2" Sony explode car speakers and an Altec Lansing sub. thank you logitech for the adapter that allows me to pull this stuff off.

  6. My grandfather died less than a month ago and my mom is of course taking real hard. She's had about 3-4 breakdowns and hopefully today will cheer her up.This is my first Christmas without a grandfather of any sort. Not even my step grandfather (April of this year). All I have left is my Grandmother on my mom's side and my stepgrandmother on my dad's side. It's best not to dwell on sadness on such a joyous time though so everyone be happy and have a Merry frickin' Chrismas this year. I can't wait to see what I get and can hardly wait to see others open what I got them.

    I leave ya'll with a Larry the Cable Guy Christmas Carol to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy.

    O come all ye little emmigrants

    come and get those green cards

    and learn some d*** English

    then learn how to drive.


    P.S. brr christmas my foot Keith it's over 50 out here. I changed my oil and washed my car the otherday because of it. Where's my snow at man? Only once n my 17 years of existance has it ever snowed on Christmas out here. It was raining half the day yesterday.

  7. Had trouble sleepin (like I do every Christmas) so I'm already up and it is 5:15 A.M. here in Middle Tennessee. I'll wait till 6:00 or 6:30 to start making noise to wake the rest up. As usual traditions go my parents leave my brother and I one present out and I have so far a 1:32 Scale German Jagdtiger Diecast Tank (or as WWII people know a Tank Killer ). I am starting a Diecast WWII tank collection. I already have a SHerman and a Panzer III. I also know from my sneaky ways that I am also recieving a King Tiger.....and an MX518 mouse and a Foxconn wireless network card for my dual boot box.

    Merry Christmas everyone and I hope ya'll have a goodun.

    Merry Christmas from Tennessee.

  8. aaaaawwwwwwwww forget you. I want a new system too but I don't want an X2. I'm a gamer. If I had loads of cash I build an X2 system for Linux and work and build an FX-57 system (they should make an FX-57 X2) for games.

    I NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!! (my job sucks)

    I might end up with a new Asus or Epox nForce4 SLI mobo for Xmas so i'll have to save up for at least a 3500+ Venice and a 6800GS Video card and revamp the Sidewinder. I might just have to spring for XP Pro while I'm at it.

    Hurry up Christmas!

  9. I have a mod in mind for my room computer. Want to keep the tower in the closet right next to the desk and run extra long IDE cables to the CD drives out to the desk and extend the wires to the power button to the desk too. I might want to mount the drives to the bottom of the desk. heck I might be able to mount the entire system to the bottom of the desk getting rid of the case. (It's a big desk)

  10. if you really want it to sound good get a Creative X-Fi. As for your prob make sure everything is plugged in the right jacks. Make sure your speakers are plugged in and turned on. Double click the little speaker icon on the task bar and make sure all outputs are turned up. Wave and Master are the 2 you need to max.

    I got CoD2 the day it came out. It's a great game but I wish Infinity Ward had kept all the additions Gray Matter had added (I keep hittin the sprint button and nothing happens :P ). I wish the levels were a bit longer too. Have fun with it man. I'm gettin an MX518 mouse and a wireless network card my self.

    Merry Christmas and enjoy your new game........tomorrow...............CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. the 6800GT and Ultra are discontinued and far more expensive than the regular 6800. I think those models are out of his budget. I wish nVidia would be friendlier to the AGP users and offer the 6800GS for AGP which though is slightly weaker than the GT it has support for newer technologies and gets higher marks in benchmarks. It's also way cheaper (that's why they discontinued the GT and Ultra). I can't figure out why they decided not to make AGP versions.

    * Update- eVGA has released an AGP 6800GS. There's hope for system yet.

  12. you can't just look at clock speeds, you have to look at pixel pipelines and shader pipelines too.

    6600GT 500MHz core clock with 8pixel pipelines GDDR3 Memory

    6800 325MHZ core with 12 PP's DDR

    though technically according to my calculations the 6600gt should be 2.5% more powerful and the memory is 22% faster , but the 6800 is part of the 6800 line thus it supports features the 6600gt does not. Really there isn't that big of a difference so save a couple bucks and go with the 6600GT. BF2 plays fine. i use an AGP8X eVGA e-GeForce 6600GT myself. I run the game in Medium with no probs.

  13. i'm with ieatharddrives. OC'ing isn't at all neccesary. and for water cooling you run other risks of screwing up your hardware. Note there is usually only one fan for the entire setup (maybe 2), if it fails you're screwed. everything being cooled by it will burn up. plus the fact the pain of installing the system. i would just look for quiet air cooled methods. Cooler Master ain't bad. I bought a 60mm fan on a 60x80mm HS with the fan spinning nearly 1500rpms faster than my previous Speeze (now sold as Masscool but they're both Fannertech) 80mm HSF. it's quieter and keeps my CPU 10 degrees Celcius cooler.

    Just make sure your case is well ventilated with proper intake and exhaust fans.

  14. gaming guru at your service (or at least i like to think so). for your system if you have agp i suggest somewhere i the range from a GeForce MX4000 128MB to a GeForce FX5500 256MB. You can get these in PCI too just in case. max your ram (probably 512MB PC133). Make sure you have at least a 250 watt PSU to handle your video card.

    To strip down your system. Right click My Computer and click Properties. Then click the advanced tab. Then click the Peformance button. After that, turn off whatever you want and that'll save precious power.