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Posts posted by Hai-Etlik

  1. title           Windows 95/98/Me
    root            (hd1,0)
    map (hd0) (hd1)
    map (hd1) (hd0)
    chainloader     +1

    The two map lines swap the primary master and slave from the perspecive of the chainloaded OS. I don't know if it works with less primitive OSes like WinNT or GNU/Linux, never had cause to try. This may or may not prove useful to you.

  2. Let's try this the other way arround

     scanf("%f", &celsius);

    fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8f) + 32.0f;

    Think about what these to lines do, and why you are doing that.

    These are the lines that realy do stuff the rest is window dressing and boilerplate.

  3. Don't think in terms of code, think of what the overall goal of the program is, then break it down into simpler steps. Then make sure your setps realy do accomplish the goal. Then think about how to convert the steps into code, if you can't think of a way, try breaking down a setp further.

    Your problem is you are jumping ahead and trying to fill in with guesses. You will eventualy be able to streamline the process as you get better, but fow now you realy need to go slowly and steadily.

    Right now you are making a mistake that you will probably only notice if you go right back to the very top level.

  4. Canoeingkidd is right, think about what you are reading, where it is going, what you are doing with it, and where you are putting the result. Just slapping together bits that you know doesn't work, you need to think about how they work together.

    And a newline at the end of the last formatting string would be a nice touch. You don't need it but it'll make the output a bit nicer.

    Also, not quite sure what you mean by "First, you are using an undefined variable here on the right side of the assignment operator ('=' sign). You assigned the input from the keyboard to float1, not celsius:", should I change every instance of "float1" to "celsius"?

    Think about what you are doing, what value do you wan to read?

    What do you want to do with it?

    THEN think about how to to read that value.

    THEN think about how to do what you need with that value to get the other one you want.

    Don't just guess about changes to make and then "see if it works"

  5. you can't beat python for ease of use and fast results.

    to write to a file, this is as simple as it gets

    file = open("filesw.ini", "w")
    file.write("text to be written, gos here")


    C++ isn't much more complex for that particular example. It just has more boilerplate.

    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>

    int main()
    std::ofstream fout ("filename");
    fout<<"Some text"<<std::endl;

    Given the description of the problem, I almost think a simple spreadsheet would be the best option.

  6. I just want to know the diffrent chips and how they are used in a circiut.

    thanks pro1driver


    An IC can range from a couple of logic gates to a microcontroller or microprocessor. This is rather akin to the difference between a piece of Lego and a car engine.

    Here is some overview material, it doesn't realy tell you how to do stuff, but it gives you an idea of what is involved at a farily low level.






    The most likely starting point for using real ICs would be the 7400 series


  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux

    It's good to know what "Linux" is before you jump in. Wikipedia gives an excelent overview.

    Pay particular attention to the bits on "distributions" and "desktop environments".

    If you want, you could try OpenOffice.org on Windows, along with a number of other applications that you may end up using on GNU/Linux. Making a "pre-switch" may help you, and even if you decide GNU/Linux isn't for you, you may end up liking some of the software you try as a result.

    Besides OOo some popular cross platform FOSS includes

    Firefox (Web Browser)

    Thunderbird (Email/Usenet/RSS/Atom)

    The GIMP (Raster Image editor, like Adobe Photoshop)

    Inkscape (Vector Image editor, like Corel DRAW! or Adobe Illustrator)

    Gaim (Multiprotocol IMP/Chat client)

    Abiword (Lightweight Word Processor)

  8. Well, unrelated to your problem, you are using identifiers form the std namespace without including said namespace.

    using namespace std;

    after the includes should fix that.

    As far as I can tell, you aren't using stdio (and if you were you should include cstdio not stdio.h) so you don't need to include it.

    The problems are that you have no error checking and reporting (what happens if the user doesn't specify one of the options available?) and secondly (which would have been much easier to figure out with the first problem solved) you are reading as an int. So when the user types in a number, the int is given that number as a value. You then compare it to characters, which are admitedly ints, but the wrong ones. Those single quotes make a BIG difference. '1' is 49, '2' is 50. If you removed the quotes OR used a char variable instead, it would work.

    There are realy much better languages to start out with than C++. Ruby or Python might serve you better for getting you familiar with programming.

  9. Well normaly what browsers show as tooltips (when tooltips are appropriate) is the title attribute. As an attribute, there is no way to put anything but plain text in it; No elements, so no images. You can use css and/or javascript to make elements appear or disapear when you move your mouse over another one to simulate more complex tooltips.

  10. 1. GNU/Linux supports games, its many games that don't support it. As for why some people like it, well there are many reasons with different people having different ones. You can even find pairs of people who will give the same reason for liking it and disliking it respectively. GNU/Linux also varies a lot, different distros configured in different ways are, well, different. The desktop Environment alone makes an enormous difference.

    2. Installing software on many GNU/Linux systems usually amounts to: giving your password, selecting a package from a list, clicking the install button, and waiting as the package is downloaded and installed. No need to find the web page, find the right download, run the installer, etc. updating is even easier as one command (or button press) can update all the packages on your system.

    3. Some things work all the time. And some things on Windows are not exactly reliable. How about being specific?

    4. Well I could comment on getting a Gravis Ultrasound or GrIP gamepad to work under XP. Or the fact my parents can't seem to get more than 2 USB devices at a time to work on their Win2k machine thanks to driver conflicts. If you use Linux you have to check compatibility before buying, but you should research hardware before buying it anyways. A little research can result in a system that can do everything with it's hardware that Windows could, and maybe even a few things Windows couldn't.

    GNU/Linux wasn't made to be amusing. It was made to get stuff done. That stuff may well be entertaining but in and of itself it's an OS, it's there to provide support for the applications you want to run. Criticizing it for not being fun is like criticizing an FPS for not being a good way to work out your monthly budget.

  11. Do you REALLY need wireless? Wireless mice have a LOT more inertia than wired mice, meaning you can't move them as fast and have to use more force which lowers the precision you can use. Who cares how fast and precisely it measures where it is if you can't put it where you want it when you want it.

    Keyboards are just the opposite. You want something big, heavy, and stable. Being able to feel what you are doing is vital. You don't want a squishy board that makes it hard to tell if the key has gone all the way down or not. Something that uses springs is far better than a membrane board. Either a spring membrane hybrid like a Fujitsu, or a buckling spring board (Old IBM boards). Admittedly these qualities are even more important for typing than for gaming.

    If you are going to be using it with a TV and gaming from your couch, then wireless is probably the way to go. But if it is at a desk, then ask yourself if you really need it.

    If you play FPSes, consider a cheap joystick for your off hand rather than the arrow keys on a keyboard. You can get much more precise movement that way, though it will certainly take some getting used to.

    My personal suggestion. Logitech MX 500 (Other 5xx mice are OK but the 500 looks the best IMO), Fujitsu FKB-4725 keyboard (There is no other keyboard worth having), and a cheap 2 axis, ambidextrous joystick; if you want to spend a bit more, get a low end Saitek Cyborg (Can be adjusted for left or right handed use rather than just being symmetric). Do not under any circumstances get force feedback.

    Of course all this is mediated a great deal by personal taste. Some people prefer mice with more inertia or aren't willing to pay $60 for a keyboard that looks like it was made in the early nineties no matter how good the tactile response is.

  12. Horrible, tiny text, poor contrast, and a tiny, offcenter area for the content.

    Even though my viewport is big enough to show everything, I still have to scroll because you put stuff in a frame.


    You have to scroll?

    What resoultion/browser are you on?



    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050725 Firefox/1.0.6 (Ubuntu package 1.0.6)

    LSS: 1280x1024px

    Window: 1280x925px

    Viewport: 1280x783px (with Web Developer toolbar)

  13. OK, Here's what ports are.

    With just IP (Internet Protocol) you can send packets of information to an interface (Usualy a computer has one such interface, but not always)

    However, that interface probably has many different applications using it, and some may prefer to have a stream of information in a particular order rather than a bunch of packets at random. So two more protocols were layered on top, UDP and TCP.

    UDP just adds a number to the packet to identify what program should recieve it.. TCP adds a bunch of stuff to allow for streams of information to be kept in order and an identifier number like UDP has.

    The identifier number is the port. That is ALL that a port is. It's just a number. Programs tell the OS that they want to recieve all TCP or UDP traffic with a particular port number, and they get it.

    So, a web server would ask for traffic arriving on port TCP 80. Browsers would then establish TCP connections to port 80 on that machine, and would then be able to talk to the web server.

    Your computer does not have a particular port number.