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Posts posted by jsbowen

  1. This brings me to the conclusion that neither Chappy, Pete nor any of us were wrong in our reactions. The admins need to take the deserved blame and should apologize not only to us, but to their own moderation team that was dragged into this due to their not being upfront with them.


    Although I agree with your post, I doubt very seriously that any such apology will be provided. Actually, I would wager my life's earnings that no apology will take place.

    Yesterday, I created a new G4 account, so that I could get an explanation as to why I was banned, as it is supposed to be policy that I receive some type of notification (email or pm). I received a nice long confrontational message from MissFae, as well as an additional week to my ban for creating an alternate account. They're running some sort of tight ship over there.

    That message from MissFae was the final kick in the pants I needed to not return to that site.

  2. I think I will lurk over there as long as it's up. I am not fond at all of the "new" rules, language and porn links and all. Not whining you see but I do get one here with my grandkids on my lap sometimes so......


    I'll probably do the same for the same reasons. I don't like the new rules. Instead of grandkids, I'm usually at work when I post.

    Edit: Looks like lurk is all I can do, because I've been banned from posting with no explanation as to why.

  3. I am currently a systems administrator for a mid-size law firm. I am the entire IT department :D Love my job and glad I changed my major from Criminal Justice (had plans to go to law school and that remains my backup plan).

    As for my education, I started as a music major, because I earned a scholarship. Quickly, I learned that I was a small fish in a big pond and music wasn't as fun in college as it was in high school. So, I changed my major to Criminal Justice and stuck with that for two years. Then, I met my future wife and she could tell I wasn't happy with my Criminal Justice track and supported me in switching my major, again, to Computer Technology (Associate degree track). I finished my AS in CT and attempted to make it in the real world. I landed a full-time web administrator position with a local start-up, but soon realized (about a month into the job) that the business and my career were headed down the tubes. I then enrolled in the Management Information Systems program to earn my bachelor's degree. None of my CT credits transferred, even though I earned that degree at the same university. Three years later I graduated with a BBA in MIS.

    Currently, I am working full-time and pursuing my master's degree in Information Systems at night. Keeps me busy, but I'm a believer that "there ain't no livin' like quadrant II livin'" :D

    More than you ever needed to know about me, but it may help you decide how you want to approach your higher education. Since taking my winding road through college, I have always recommended people go in undecided, take some generally required classes as well as some classes you "think" you are interested in, and make a decision on a major some time around your Sophomore-Junior year.

  4. "There's no crying in baseball" - Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own

    "Fat guy in a little coat" - Chris Farley, Tommy Boy

    "Utah, get me two" - Gary Bussey, Point Break

    "Now you're goin' get it, Bobby" - Adam Sandler, Happy Gilmore

    "I'm just going to keep rockin' and rollin'" - Mark Walberg, Boogie Nights

    "Ty Cobb wanted to play, but none of us could stand the son of a b**** when we were alive, so we told him to stick it" - Ray Liotta, Field of Dreams

    Moonlight Graham - "Hey Ump, how bout a warning"

    Umpire - "Sure, watch out you don't get killed"

    Field of Dreams

    Many, many more that I quote on a daily basis, but have slipped my mind at the moment.

  5. that's another thing that we forget about. those pour people that have to buy the higher octane gas for their cars. like jaguars and mercedes and such. some vehicles are designed to work only with 90 octane gas and such. my bronco can get away with 85 octane but i usually buy 87 for it when i can. that must suck for those people.


    I drive a salvaged Land Rover (nothing to be jealous of :D), but it requires 91 octane. It's bleeding me dry. Oh, how I long for the days of my Neon.

  6. Prices are about $2.13 - $2.30 a gallon in MD right now.....unless I've woken up to another raise in the price!!!


    I woke up to another raise. $2.35 per gallon in WV. That's $2.55 for premium. Its killing me!