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Posts posted by sceeter33

  1. Hi sceeter,

    I'm back from the mouse wars. I declared war Saturday on the clan of mice in the basement. I think we are winning too.....14 so far have decided to give up the hard way, instead of accepting our eviction notice.

    Other than that, I had computer unplugged from Sunday night to today due to winter-like stormy weather and also because PGE linemen were working on the electrical lines nearby. They have moved on a few blocks now. And the rains are in an intermission for a day or so until the next round of storms comes in off the ocean. We made up at least 10% of the deficit of rain for the winter, not out of drought potential yet, but sure in better shape than we were. The mountains even got a couple of feet of snow. Nice to measure snow in feet for a change, instead of an inch or two at a time. And more rain/snow on the way this week and next. Yipppeeee!!!

    So here I am, checking out what's been happening on the boards while I was gone.

    God bless everyone.

    Hi sidekickcat those dam mice are a pain eh and hope your winning the war lol :unsure:

    Ya if those suckers don't pay rent kick em out with that big bad boot lol! Hope the weather gets better there soon.


  2. Hi team I was just wonder as when you look at the dates of the posts it seems that this forum is dead lol! But good to see that there someone or all is still alive lol

    Well live long anf prosper

    Sceeter33 B):P:D;):unsure:

  3. Hello All ! Don't know if this is the right place for this but i'll give it a try. Wanna make my own website and need a program to create it, does anyone know of a free program thats great for doing this?

    Thanks for the help all

    Sceeter33 B)

    is there someone thats really good at building websites here that could give me some tips or some help making my own website?

    Thanks for the help in advance


  4. Ya G4 is cool but ya there's alot of war disscusion there like blim said and sometimes nobody give you much help ether cause they just don't wanna help. The really only people that are really helpful are TymeKyller and il_wiccan and a few such other that really put the time into helping others out.

    Well thanks all again and have a great evening

    Sceeter33 :D

  5. Thanks all for the welcoming! I'm usually hang out in the g4 forums and thought I would come here. I heard this was a real freindly place to come and get support for computers.


  6. Hello All! I'm new here so I just would like to interduce my self. I heard great thing about this forum, so I thought I would come here B)

    Well have a great day all
