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Posts posted by rick3271

  1. Good morning everyone. Been a long time reader of this forum. I am having a problem trying to uninstall Office 2003 Pro. I attempted to update using the Office Update site. The updates would download, but failed to install. This has happened before and the fix was to uninstall/reinstall the program. When I attempt to uninstall using add/remove I get the message: "The patch cannot be applied..." I also have tried to install over the current install with the same message. I have used CCleaner and the Windows Install Cleanup Utility to no avail. I have also tried deleting the entire Office file, but I could not do this. Will I have to manually remove registry entries? If so, which ones? Any help would be appreciated.


  2. Thanks for all the help, but to no avail. I do use ZoneAlarm Pro and have disabled them during setup. Printer and file sharing was turned on when I ran the setup wizard. I'm new to networking and apparently have not found the solution to this problem. Of course Linksys support was no help. The almost English speaking tech said that Linksys does not support printer and file sharing and referred me to an article that just said to run the setup wizard. I am confident that this network can be setup if I can just find the right combination. As I said in original post, these two machines are sharing the internet connection with no problem, but there is nothing in the Network Neighborhood. Could the firewall in the router be preventing this setup? Any more suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


  3. Hi all. First time poster-long time reader. I need some help with my wireless network. I have two machines, both running XP Pro. All updates and no ad/spy ware. The main computer is hardwired into a Linksys Wireless router which is connected to a cable modem. I have a Linksys wireless PCI adapter on the second computer. I have been able to establish an internet connection on both computers with no problems. What I can't do is setup any file or printer sharing between the two. I have run the Network Setup Wizard numerous times and all seems to go well, but when I open "My Network Places" there is nothing there. When I click on "show all computers in the workgroup," I get a message that says I do not have administrative previledges" or cannot connect to network. Can printer/file sharing be setup on a wireless network? If this can be done, could someone walk me through the steps. I have searched and read numerous articles from Google search-most just say to run the set-up wizard. Any help would be appriciated and might help save the little hair I have left.
