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Everything posted by Rich

  1. This looks like it is an issue because of linux and the drivers that are supplied.. I found a post on the eeeuser forums the link is below.. looks like this should help you..
  2. the age old question of what monitor should I get and size! love it! First question.. what are you looking to spend? joe's suggestion of going to the local store is a great idea! Bigger isnt always better.. here is a nice samsung I found for about 190.. 22 inch Rich
  3. Where did you hear about this from? The reason I ask is because it is my understanding that these are profiles that have been deleted for any number of reasons (spam, inactive, or a friend who deleted their account) and they dont pose a threat to you or your system. I believe the reason they dont get removed from your list and show up as a red X is because myspace does not do regular database clean ups and there are more and more spam profiles daily and even hourly. M477h3w700142y has a great point, if you don't know the person then why do you want to add them as a friend? I know I get ALOT of
  4. Well I want you to confirm you don't have the problem when the touch pad is disabled... Steps to Disable Touch Pad. first plug in the usb mouse 1. Right Click "My Computer" 2. Select "Manage" 3. Click "Device Manager" 4. Expand "Mice and other pointing devices" 5. Right click the Touch Pad entry in this list 6. Select "Disable" Now Use the laptop just as you would and see if you get the freeze up with just the USB mouse running... Post your results please. Rich
  5. Those types of antennas will replace the antenna on your router. You unscrew the original and then screw this one on in its place. The one you posted looks like it has a few adaptors also so if thats the one you want to get then you should be good. Also a quick search on google "Build directional antenna" comes up with a few links on how to build one for FAR cheaper then buying one. If you want to take that route! Rich
  6. When you hooked up the USB mouse did you disable the touchpad? If not then I could see the touchpad freezing up the mouse even tho the usb is in use also. if that is the case I would disable the touchpad and see if you experience the same problems, if you do not then we definitly know this problem is centered around the touch pad, if not then you may have a bigger problem. If it does work after disabling the touchpad then I would suggest... Using device manager, remove the hardware in question (touchpad in this case). and reinstall the hardware...
  7. 3 beeps and nothing that points to the first 64k of RAM most of the time... Try taking out ALL the RAM modules and replacing one at a time and powering up at each step and if he gets the beeps on just one module he will need to replace that one..
  8. I have used a product called Fraps in the past for video games, not sure if this would work for what you are looking for.
  9. Is this address a static IP or a DHCP address? If it is static do you have the correct subnet and gateway address? From the machine having the issue are you able to ping the gateway address? also if your thinking it could be the network card I would check the back of the PC and see if there is even a link light. Also this problem could be a physical issue with the Jack, the ethernet wire, the port on the switch its self, or a cut wire in a wall... it also could have been a software change on the switch its self that set that one port to a different address or vlan... Do you have access to this