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Everything posted by robroy

  1. Steam, may I reccommend a new optician it tells you right there Just like your's says Pell City
  2. 88F and humid sticky nasty makes it feel like 95F heat index
  3. Toyotas are good cars. Have a 93 corolla with 230000 miles and runs like almost new. Still gave me 38 mpg on my trip to North Carolina 6 weeks ago
  4. robroy


    This crazy scot has thought for years that there is no other sound to stir a person's soul than a well played lament or dirge on the pipes
  5. !0:20 pm and it's cloudy humid 81 f
  6. happy Birthday to both of you tomorrow would have been my mothers birthday too
  7. Hi JDoors and TT I've been there too
  8. both sides