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Everything posted by allendaniel

  1. Just got my new 20 GB iPod w/Click Wheel today. I started with using iTunes on the PC, and it's the most stable app on that I've used. So, I've switched, and just waiting on the 14" iBook. Should be coming in Wed.!!!! Here are my specs: 14" iBook 512MB DDR266 60GB ULTRA ATA DRIVE Superdrive AirPort Extreme Card w/ AirPort Extreme Basestation(with modem) OS X iLife w/ GarageBand Accessories for my iPod Belkin Voice Recorder (i am a student, majoring in Journalism) iPod Dock Station (they give you both a 20GB and 40GB cover for some odd reason) Other things HP All-in-One Printer (Fax, Copi