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InLineFour is now officially my favorite online Honda parts store. I get an email quickly after my order stating something ordered is out of stock. They offer a better part at a discount. I reply accepting the offer while requesting an upgrade on the other item. Well, when I got home today after work. There's a message on the answering machine from the guy who emailed me confirming the order and informing me that it will be shipped soon and told me when it'd arrive. I sit down at my computer, check my email. There are 2, one from the same guy, again confirming my order and another from InLineFour's system with my order summary and tracking number.

They are on the ball. I placed the original order for BLOX kits yesterday and today they ship out Buddy Club kits and provide a tracking number. That's what I'm talking about. InLineFour's level of service rivals Newegg.

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Yeah amazingly enough, it's usually the smaller specialty auto parts stores or other specialty stores (like the place my brother gets audio recording equipment and software from) have some of the best service (and strangely the best prices too). A lot of bigger places don't have that level of service except and other select few. Man, I'm probably gonna order a ton of my stuff from InLineFour. So far this is my third order with them. My first order (well actually my dad's order, it was a birthday present for me last year) was for the A'PEXi World Sport II Universal Muffler. Then after that it was the spark plugs, wires, and cap & rotor (that order was very strangely but ingeniously packed), and now my camber kits.

I expect my next order will be in the very near future and it will be a timing belt kit (timing belt, belt tensioner, and water pump), along with some seals and gaskets so I can get my timing belt mess out of the way for another 60,000- 100,000 miles or however long you're supposed to go.

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I do a ridiculous amount of online shopping. I got to say that I have had great experiences with big stores like Amazon and Musicians Friend and small places like Moss Motors and OWC. I think service makes the difference no matter how large or small online or walk in.

I don't know if any of you have bought from Apple but everything from buying a ipod touch app on itunes to their Apple store is a study in efficiency. I recently bought the new ipod shuffle, I walked into the Apple store the girl at the door ask if I needed anything. I told her I wanted the silver shuffle, in seconds she hands me the shuffle I give her my credit card she scans it into the handheld thingy on her belt and ask if I want a paper receipt or to email it. I say email and walk out the store.

I also just bought a new cat back exhaust for my miata from Moss motors online. Within five minutes of placing the order I get a email receipt, about a hour later I get a tracking number. In two days I have the exhaust on my door step.

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I have to wait a little while for my stuff from InLineFour since it's clear across the country but they are still pretty prompt. I ordered that crap on the 8th I think, it's scheduled to arrive the 14th, but there's a really good chance it'll arrive the 13th and that's with going through and adjusting the order.

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Well, ya know my birthday coulda been a great chance to get some parts but for some reason my dad really wanted to get me a new laptop despite the fact mine still works just fine (though I've broken and replaced the LCD) and I have a spare battery and charger for it. In all honesty, I didn't really want it. I mean, now I'm gonna have to transfer all my crap over, I will no longer have a spare battery or spare charger, it's gloss covered just like the one I've already bought and sold (I hated that laptop), it's much heavier (bigger, more powerful beast of a laptop), I mean c'mon. I tried to tell him I didn't want it. Boy I tried everything in my power to hint that I'd rather stick to my old one. I mean with the $984 he spent on it, I coulda gotten new shocks, springs, rear LCA's, an ASR rear subframe brace, and an EK9 Civic Type-R rear sway bar. I can't even use the stinkin thing until Wednesday anyway (my birthday).

I think he did it for himself more than for me. He wants a laptop and me having a new one means he gets my old one. I was gonna give him my old one after I fixed it when I bought that new laptop but I wound up hating it, selling it, and fixing my old one. He has conditions though that determine whether I get to keep that laptop too. I mean c'mon, do you think i'm gonna try that hard if I didn't want it in the first place? Yes, it's nice, has a bigger screen, more power, more RAM, dedicated graphics, and what not, but I already have this one the way I like and I have that damn spare battery. From what I read, this new one doesn't appear to get any better battery life anyway, even with a 9-cell. I've got two 6-cells that last just as long in my old laptop and one of them is 3 YEARS OLD (it came out of my first laptop) and the other is 2 years old (the one that came with my current one).

Sorry, had to vent. I'm just mad cause my car needs some things as well as I want some mods for it, I have an older but perfectly functional laptop (that's still able to play 720p H.264 videos), and my dad buys me another laptop. My car is more important than a laptop to me. Way more important. I wish he would have waited till I left for a university like he originally said but NO.

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From where your sitting it may look like the laptop was the wrong gift but from this side I think your nuts. I mean a brand new laptop for you and your dad gets your old one, win win. Shocks on a old honda.. I know right now the honda seems like your life but you can add shocks anytime and you probably won't notice much difference. And you will have plenty of cars in your future I'm sure much better then your Honda.

So be a good son, thank your dad for the laptop give him your old laptop. There are people with much bigger problems then getting a laptop for there birthday.

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It's a great gift and I appreciate it but when I tried to tell him not get it and told him other things I'd rather have, and he still gets it anyway. C'mon. I'd rather having a timing belt kit or something so my sole means of transportation can stay operable. It's also cheaper, I was just saying with the cash he dropped on it, I coulda gotten a ton of suspension stuff for the same money. Really though I need a bunch of crap for the motor and other spots on the car too. The laptop is mainly for school. I have a desktop for play. I have one car that needs work too, it's more important. No car, i can't get to class to even use the laptop which isn't necessary to begin with. I don't want to be stuck without my car for 2 weeks or longer...... again.

Oh and he's giving me "conditions" I have to meet to keep the laptop.....I already told him I didn't really want it. So that's what makes me madder than anything.

Edited by Honda_Boy
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Ha well, back to the laptop. It overheated and crapped out 35 minutes into operation. Oh well.

Gonna call my mechanic real soon and see how much the camber kits will cost to be installed. Can't wait to get them installed an get an alignment. I'm tired of the steering wheel being turned to the right all the time.

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  JDoors said:
I'll give it two weeks and you'll be posting about how amazing your new laptop is. :lol:

If the Toshiba hadn't overheated and locked up after 35 minutes I woulda said you're wrong. I really didn't like it (and I picked it out) and was kinda mad about the whole thing. I was glad it overheated. I took it back and had th chance to pick out a cheap laptop to give to my dad and use the rest of the money for my car but thinking of him wanting me to have a new one, I picked an HP that was $50 more and paid the difference.

Yeah, I frickin love it. Hated the Toshiba, but love my new HP.

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