Brazilian Chip

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any one heard of a brazilain chip 1g and over/

they also have an operating sys

any info?

ive tried all sorts of searches

but have come up with nothing

havent tried google

some how im getting an error page with google

and im trying to sort it out


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hi jd

one of th compt outlets

had a demo cpu and board

its 980cpu im not sure it it was an amd or intel.

it also has. a version of windows that is downloadable free

i pulled up a page.

that says bill gates has allowed the brazillians to use and modify

win 95 to their own purposes

and it is now looking like

a window modern version

but as you pointed out in spanish

with language packs

i lost google at the time

i couldnt post that article

so now im trying to find it

if i get any more info ile post in


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Let's see. Intel launched their $400 Edu-wise laptop in São Paulo at the end of March and the Brazilian gov't announced they would be distributing a half-million ~$450 Linux PCs under their "Computers for All" project last fall. AFAIK the Edu-wise laptop is the only one that's been in the news recently but I don't think it's supposed to ship with WinXP Starter Edition.

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