Well, I Finally Broke It.

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Well I finally broke the 1 dang LCD I've ever had.........................never worked right when I got it anyway. The back light was f'ed up. I tried opening it to fnd the lights and maybe a way to jerryrig my own lighting into it. I hadn't put lights into to but I f'ed it up real good. I had rebuilt it but I hooked it back up to the comp and what little time the lights come on (bout a second every time it recieves a new signal) it was just white this time. Nothing. I used to see what it was displaying. Other than the lights it worked correctly. Well not anymore. Time to trash it.

Lets just say unsuccessful mod. Way to go me.

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I fixed a screen on laptop last week. The back light didn't work at all - meaning the piece that powers the "bulbs" was working. I believe the replacement piece was about 50 on ebay.

And just because I know you love lights in cars - I got curious today (which leads to modding generally) and I took out the light piece on my dome lights, which had 4 orange LED's, and changed out the two that point towards the backseat to green led's. If it looks good I will may switch out the front two to a different color. I know you love LED's in cars! (for the record, it's subtle and it only comes on when I open the doors/lock them - not like I ride around like that)

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