Irs Plan Would Allow Sale Of Tax Data To Marketers

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I couldn't believe it when I read this in our local Oregonian this morning, so Googled for it today. It is true that the IRS wants to do this dastardly deed. I still can't figure out what they are smoking to be so dumb, or else they must have gotten some good kickbacks or something to come up with such a stupid scheme to sell our private information to others who could then resell it to whoever.

I am fuming mad and hope everyone else is too, enough so everybody please call Senators and Representatives and DEMAND they stop the IRS from this stupid crazy plan!!! :angry::wacko::angry:

Here are a couple of links that tell the evil deeds planned by the IRS.

IRS plan would allow sale of tax data to marketers

IRS May let Tax Preparers Sell Customers' Information

Even if people are asked to sign an agreement to this, will it be explained in full of how far reaching the sale of this information could go past the first sale? I don't see how in this day and age of such widespread breaches of security and id theft that they can justify such a program as they are planning. If it goes through, can the IRS be sued as a partner in enabling any id theft?

I am sure glad hubby and I do our own taxes, but what is to stop the IRS from directly selling off our data without signed agreement just with a new hidden proposal rule change? It isn't as though we can avoid doing business with the IRS to protect ourselves from their mercenary ideas to sell our private information.

Fight for your safety folks.


God bless everyone.

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Even though having two in college and our tax info being looked at by several agencies for financial aid, that is infurating! Again, I know our info is free game once we apply for financial aid, but the identity theft idea is scary. Yup, kickbacks, I'm betting :angry2:


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