Tranny Keeps Slipping Out Of O/d

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Yeah, because we all know that losing money is #1 on every major company's to-do list. (No really, what kind of statement is that? :blink: )

BTW, Feb. sales figures for Ford are up, with Land Rover making record breaking sales.

All this while GM is offering early rebates on it's new SUVs already. I dislike GM, but I hate to see them go under.

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I'm sure Honda, Toyota, and Nissan are makin boo coodles of cash. Out in my "redneck" town, over half the cars are nissan, toyota, or honda. I tell ya I see a lot of Titans, Tacomas, Accords, Maximas, Altimas, Sentras, Civics, Corollas and Camrys. Most of the american compacts out here are in poor shape while most of the "Japanese" (75% actually made in america many in tullahoma) compacts are in great shape. Grand Prix's are popular too and they seem to be a halfway decent car, but not grand ams. Focuses seem to be alright, but escorts and contours are pretty sad lookin out here. American car quality plummited in the 80's (that's how the japanese invasion happened) adn they started to come back up recently but I hate american 4 Cylinder Front wheel drives, no offense but after my sunbird and seein so many crappy cavaliers and escorts, I only go "japanese" for these cars.

My dad is the ultimate in PO'ed at American car manufactures after the probs with the PT Cruiser. And also he noticed the poor quality over the years. The only exception was our 92 Caravan. We had that thing for 10 years and it was solid all that time. My dad tried to f up that motor. It was a V6 and not an inline 4 and runnin an 1 1/2 hours 3 quarts low on oil didn't hurt it. Still he says the next car he and my mom are gettin is either a toyota or a honda due to our success with both (especially toyota. the 98 tacoma has never been to the shop. the 03 Cruiser has had brake work done like 4 times).

There, rant over. Everyone likes what they like I like Honda (Cars) and Toyota (Trucks), and Bubba likes ford, and robroy hates ford.

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we just got two brand new ford suv's at work in November and now they are on recall, faulty wiper motors

Quality workmanship as usual

I'll stick to my corolla

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My dad tried to f up that motor. It was a V6 and not an inline 4 and runnin an 1 1/2 hours 3 quarts low on oil didn't hurt it.

:blink: what tha...? I think we deserve a story.... :D

My neighboor had a Sunfire, and my other Nieghboor had a Cavy. Both nothin

but trouble for both of them. Neither of them very old either...

Robroy, you can't possbily expect to design something as complicated as an automobile and not expcet to have a recall or two. It's jsut not going to happen, (Yes, even Toyotas have been recalled ;) )

Edited by Bubba Bob
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Recalls are kewl. My ole '82 Toyota Tercell was called for rusting problems on the rear sub-frame and control arms. The dealer inspected it and did some rust proofing. Off I went..... 8 years later, the rear wheel fell off! Broken at the sub frame. Short story, Toyota replaced it all! Almost $3000 worth of work and parts.

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