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hi all im not sure how to explain this

my son has broad band

and im on dialup

if i wanted get him to download a program with broad band

to my sys by file sharing, can some one tell me how it is done.

what software or hardware is needed.

. post if i havent explained properly



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hi all im comming to the thread and try to explain

how this thing is done

i believe this is how the hackers operate

in this case we both need to disable our fire walls

then i give him my isp address

and he down loads through my isp to my desk top.

as i do not know weather this works or not

my compt is in his hands

he says internet gamers do it all the time

the problem is you need to know

the person downloading to your compt

because if they are naughty naughty

they can hack you

or send you a present [virus]

so if any one on the board has this knowledge

can you explain



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you can definately safely connect your computers. I do not see you gaining any speed. You will still be transfering the file from him at dial up speed. You will not be getting the file any quicker getting it form him then downloading it yourself.

if you use the program hamachi to make the connection between your computers, you do not even have to open any ports or disable your firewall. Once your computers are connected, you can just use simple windows file sharing to make transfers.

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hi shanenin

thanks for your info

the program i need takes me 8 hrs on dial up

but it takes 30ms on broad band

my son thought it would help me if

he downloaded it to my desk top

on broad band.

are you saying the speed is governed by the

lowest point [dialup ]

i need to learn this

as it is something new for me

but i appreciate your post



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exactly. No matter how it gets into your house, no matter what method used, it can only go as fast as your dial up connection.

I recommend using the sneakernet :-) have him download it, put it on a drive or disk, then walk it over to your house. I am sure you already thought of that idea.

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