Energy Prices

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Wanted to title this "Natural Gas" to differentiate it from the gasoline thread, but we all know where THAT could lead.

So, I've been worried sick over what my next natural gas bill was gonna be. Friends and family have reported two hundred, two-fifty, three hundred dollar gas bills. Whoa, I can't afford that!

We had a long spell of temps that hovered around 0 degrees F., it seemed like the furnace was on all the time. I had the thermostat set fairly low but Jeez, I got tired of feeling chilly so I eventually turned it up to a reasonable setting. Then the outside temps moderated, thank goodness.

It seemed like a LONG time since I got my last bill so I thought this was gonna be a doozy. Nope! It came out to $140. That's on the high side, but I was expecting 2-3 hundred so it was a pleasant surprise. Sort of. You know what I mean.

Checked Quicken (love those reports); I had three successive bills that exceeded $140 back in '01 (wow, that must've been a cold year), and one that was about the same in '04. Otherwise they've all been much lower. So in retrospect, it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be.


Guess I should'a addressed the issue of "averaging" gas bills. I won't do it!

First, I don't trust them: I want to SEE how much I used and how much that costs me. I don't want to guess and hope and pray that I'm being charged properly. And while I'm sure it simply must happen, I've never heard of anyone's "averaged" bill being being adjusted downward. Always upward. That just doesn't sound right to me.

Second, since the electric utility doesn't have this feature, between the two (gas & electric) it averages itself! In the Summer my electric bill goes up, but it's not a burden 'cause the gas bill declines. In the Winter my gas bill skyrockets, but the electric bill plummets. They average themselves out. Sorta. Close enough, anyway.

Third, screw 'em! It's sold as a way to "manage" your utility bills (aren't they SO caring and thoughtful?) but it's just a way for them to make more money in the summer. Now, if they gave a DISCOUNT for helping them even out their profits, I might be all over it.

Unrelated but in a similar vein, I won't pay bills online until they give a discount for helping them automate their services. If some envelope opener is going to lose their job, I want to see some of that savings passed on to me.

Edited by JDoors
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$140 aint half bad it doesnt sound like.

Im not sure about you, but my energy company has a setup where (if you want) they will average out your gas and electric bill so its the same price every month. My gas comes out to around $25 every month. Which is high in the summer, but wont kill me in the winter.

Its funny you start this thread though. I havent turned my heaters on in several weeks now. In fact, ive had to open the windows to keep from tunring the AC on. Gotta love this years weather. Although, I wont see the savings on my gas bill untill next year when they re-average it.

Edited by Bubba Bob
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Our bills are looking rather normal. I'm in a co-op system so our rate is locked in yearly. But I'll say we have gone outta our way to keep it down as comfortably possible. "welcome to the 65 degree club"

It has been real mild for about 3 weeks here, but dangit, Jan. Feb. and March hold surprises around here...

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November's bill was $80, usually runs $60 AND it was a very mild, dry month (hung clothes on the line a LOT!)

Received December's bill today--$208 :o Now, it was an estimate and estimates usually run high, but it is almost double what it normally is for December (usually it's $100- $125). If I get time, I'm going to run out and check my meter to get a better guesstimate. Argh, I hate estimated bills!

And I know exactly what would happen if this thread was named "natural gas" :D Too many men in this forum!


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Foooofph! What gas??? :whistling:

Thank God my bills are real time... Don't trust an estimated one. I'm thinking they can estimate high just to pay "their" bills..... Kinda like mailing a check a day or so before you put the $$ in the bank....

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my family tend to use Natural Gas cuz it cheaper. plus we never (well one time but that it) use AC in our life. simple is use the fan, it not going to hurt you.

to create a cooling effect in the house, just close the blinds and use fans inside the room, not hooking up on the window or that will make things worse. my mother tend to leave the window open all night and closed it at the morning to keep cool stay inside, it last about 10 hours until the heat get in but we still dont use AC at all. my dryer, burner, water heater use natural gas. only one apps that use electric is the stove and we dont use stove a lot.

For electricity, i use energy-saving blub which it only about 20 watt that act like 70 watts. and i tend to turn off the moniter when i leave the room. im not going to wait for the moniter go to sleep mode, just press power off and VOLIA!! electricity is saved!!

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to create a cooling effect in the house, just close the blinds and use fans inside the room, not hooking up on the window or that will make things worse. my mother tend to leave the window open all night and closed it at the morning to keep cool stay inside, it last about 10 hours until the heat get in but we still dont use AC at all. my dryer, burner, water heater use natural gas. only one apps that use electric is the stove and we dont use stove a lot.

Uh-Huh.... :blink:

And where do you live?

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to create a cooling effect in the house, just close the blinds and use fans inside the room, not hooking up on the window or that will make things worse. my mother tend to leave the window open all night and closed it at the morning to keep cool stay inside, it last about 10 hours until the heat get in but we still dont use AC at all. my dryer, burner, water heater use natural gas. only one apps that use electric is the stove and we dont use stove a lot.

Uh-Huh.... :blink:

And where do you live?

Southern California on the mountain, in North County (it should be in San Diego County but they create a North County because San Diego County is FREAKING HUGE, so they partly spilt it up to North County. so it North San Diego County)

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on average the gas side of my bills are around $80 a month during the winter, and thats with the thermostat set at 68F. it's my electric that is killing me. I use around $$90 to $100 a month in electric. but looking at all the past bills for this house that's even low, so I can't complain.

what I complain about is even with that they have my budget billing set at $210 a month. i won't be bothered with re-averaging it this year, I will just pay the bill when it comes and save me around $30-$40 a month

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