I Supposivley Got A Virus

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I came to my computer this morning totell me norton removed a virus/worm


according to the document this is spread thru kazaa. I do not even use kazaa. The only file trading I was doing was uploading "star trek voyager" using bittorrent. I am not even sure if bittotrrent was the way I got this. I always assumbed it was fairly safe to use bittorrent to download avi files, i have never had any problem in the past.

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I have a questin about the entries the symantec guide gives. Below is an except

# In the right pane, reset the original value, if known:

"Start" = "4"

# Navigate to the subkey:


# In the right pane, reset the original value, if known:

"restrictanonymous" = "1"

# Navigate to the subkey:





# In the right pane, reset the original values, if known:

"AutoShareWks" = "0"

"AutoShareServer" = "0"

# Navigate to the subkey:


# In the right pane, reset the original value, if known:

"DoNotAllowXPSP2" = "1"

I do not have all of thes keys, do you think I am supposed to add a key?

Edited by shanenin
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