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Great work, Duco! The snowfort pictures are awesome and I like the "shadows across tile" and the "snow on the lichen", it's hard to pick a favorite! Although that blue screen photo made me say "ewww" ;)

Keep it up


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Been a while since I caught up with your photos. Wow!

"Sunburst over snow" is just beautiful. I loved the composition of "A Tasteful Offer." A slightly older one I loved was "Wrong Shadow."

It seems you get a lot of comments from some artsy-fartsy types that suggest you should try to fit their idea of what's art and what isn't. Too bad, they're already conformists, don't you fall for it too. (On the other hand, you're obviously getting better with each group of photos you post, so maybe you're following their advice and it's working? Hell, what do I know????)


Well I could have used the numerical identifier that's on the photos, but I made up descriptive names instead (figuring since they were new you'd figure it out by the description). Sunburst -- You don't see one with a sunburst effect? (img_5099) Offer is the one with the flier sitting on the ground (img_5094) -- That photo says so much (at least, to me); I love the way the lines of the siding create perspective, the grittiness of the ground, the forlorness of the discarded, wind-torn flier ....

Edited by JDoors
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What exactly do you mean by ""Sunburst over snow" is just beautiful. I loved the composition of "A Tasteful Offer.""

Im sort of confused, as if your in a different photo group.. I dont remember naming any of my photos that. Wrong shadow, i remember... but... the others? Give me a link, and mine are only the ones with the URL being /duconihilum/

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