Unveiling Your Purity or Experience: The Rice Purity Challenge

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You are curious about your "innocence", and "experience" and want to take a fun test to see how innocent you are. You can try the rice purity test right away. This is a fun quiz with 100 questions asked regarding topics such as relationships, romantic adventures, run-ins with the law, encounters with substances, moments of truth, and more. Taking this test is very simple. You just need to press the Start-Test button at the main interface of the Rice Purity Test. Then answer “Yes” or “No” to each question. The score of the test will be calculated based on the number of "No" answers, each question corresponding to 1 point. After answering all 100 questions, your results will appear. The higher your score, the higher your level of "innocence" will be, you will probably be the most "innocent" and "purest" person in the world and vice versa. And of course, this test is not designed to be a standard, scientific, or reliable measure of a person's character or morality. It is for reference and entertainment purposes only in measuring a person's level of innocence (or purity) and "experience". So where did the Rice Purity Test come from? This test originally originated at Rice University in the early 20th century. The purpose was for students to track their life experiences and growth throughout college. Then developed and modified over thousands of centuries or even many different rice purity test versions. Created at Rice University, this test was for women with an original format of 10 questions. After 50 years of release, the test has proven its appeal, popularized worldwide, and increased the question set to 100 questions. The latest version of the Rice Purity Test has been updated with some changes to better suit today's life. This is a quick and simple test for you when you want to find out your level of “clarity” or “experience”. In just a few minutes, you will have an interesting, entertaining measurement of your level of "naivety".

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