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how do i take a divx movie and uncompress it. yeah i know it seems weird that i'd want to do that, but in order to watch movies on my ipod in ipodlinux i need to uncompress the divx film first. the normal program i use can't deal with divx decompression, so i need to find one that does. anyone know of anythign? thanks

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  shanenin said:
you can't decompress it, but you can reencode it to a differnt format; you will lose quality doing this. What format does it need to be in?


it needs to be in just regular .avi, not in the divx avi that needs special codecs to be viewed

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I think you would call .avi, more of a wrapper(probably a wrong term), not really a codec. I guess I am trying to say there is no "regular .avi".

I did some quick googling, but could not find any specific info on which form of mpeg 4 ipod linux could handle, probably XvID

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wel, as of right now ipod linux can only hand uncompressed .avi files that are set to a specific resolution and screen size, as well as audio bit rate. so i don't know where to go from there. im thinking i'll just give up on that movie, cuz i wouldn't wanna watch it on my ipod anyways, it's more jsut to say "hey guys, look at this, i bet your ipod can't play videos"

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I am sure you already found this page, it seems to have some info. It seems only uncompressed avi video will work, or it has to be compressed in a special format. Sorry I do nto have anything more useful to tell you.

edit added later//

I must have posted the same time as you

Edited by shanenin
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  Timspo14 said:
wel, as of right now ipod linux can only hand uncompressed .avi files that are set to a specific resolution and screen size, as well as audio bit rate. so i don't know where to go from there. im thinking i'll just give up on that movie, cuz i wouldn't wanna watch it on my ipod anyways, it's more jsut to say "hey guys, look at this, i bet your ipod can't play videos"


that is a good enough reason to do it :-)

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  shanenin said:
  Timspo14 said:
wel, as of right now ipod linux can only hand uncompressed .avi files that are set to a specific resolution and screen size, as well as audio bit rate. so i don't know where to go from there. im thinking i'll just give up on that movie, cuz i wouldn't wanna watch it on my ipod anyways, it's more jsut to say "hey guys, look at this, i bet your ipod can't play videos"


that is a good enough reason to do it :-)


yeah it was pretty cool today, a lot of jaws dropped when i was showing off video clips to people who had ipods just like me. they were jealous and couldn't understand how in the world i did it. i love it :)

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