Any Way...

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Is there anywya to make a program in C++, that can save data to a disk (like an ini file), and read information.


A wrestling program.

Select option: (1 for edit, 2 for new, 3 for delete) 1

then comes up all of his points for the year.

Is this possible?


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Sure. That's why the fstream classes (ifstream, ofstream, and iofstream) and most of <cstdio> exist. Even without those, you could use the platform I/O API or, on many platforms, redirect the standard I/O streams to files.

But it's important to know exactly what you need the program to do. If all you need is a way to persist the information, you can overload operator<<() and operator>>() to (de)serialize the data without too much trouble. If you also need to be able to change the on-disk data (or even read it) or if it's fairly complex you would probably want a more structured format (INI, XML), but that would require at least a parser for the read side (you could munge it manually for the writes). If you're really trying to make a database, use a database. Wrap it in a C++ front-end if you like.

Edited by jcl
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you can't beat python for ease of use and fast results.

to write to a file, this is as simple as it gets

file = open("filesw.ini", "w")
file.write("text to be written, gos here")


C++ isn't much more complex for that particular example. It just has more boilerplate.

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::ofstream fout ("filename");
fout<<"Some text"<<std::endl;

Given the description of the problem, I almost think a simple spreadsheet would be the best option.

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