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If you want to work in the UK and stay there for a long term then you must apply under Tier 2 Visa UK. Under it, the UK invites the people who are skilled and are required to fulfil the places of work in the UK. You can get a work permit in the UK through this route.The UK may have a shortage of certain skilled professionals and they may require the service of them. For solving this problem, they have introduced Tier 2 Visa.

Edited by visaandmigration
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Scour the internet, and most will define a Golden Visa simply as a residency (or citizenship) by investment program. Others are even broader, defining it as a wealth-based path to residency or citizenship, as in some cases, you can check the list of golden visa programs for residency by donating money to the government, not necessarily investing it into a company, real estate, or an investment fund. This link can help you better.

Edited by paultech
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