Mv Command In Bash Script

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I am writing a script to rename avi files. The current files have spaces in them

from the current directory I have these two titles. for example

"sopranos-301 the car episode"

"sopranos-302 the murder episode"

I am running the script from the directory the files are in

for i in *; do
   echo "enter the new name you would like to change the file to"
   read INPUT
   # i have the mv command in quotes because the file has spaces in the name
   mv \"$i\" ${INPUT}

it is giving me an arror about mv can't move multiple files to a non directory. As far as I can see


is only specifing one file

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Escaping the quotes is disabling their quoting behavior; you end up prepending a quote to the first word of the file name and append a quote to the last. Replace the escaped quotes with unescaped double quotes and it'll work.

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Thanks, that worked. doing dumb stuff like that, I wonder how I ever manage to get anything to work. If you care to save a few keystrokes when remnaming stuff feel free to use this script :wacko:

# for this script to work you must be in the directory that contains the files you
# want to rename

echo "Does the directory listed contain the files you would like to rename?"
echo "`pwd`"
echo "enter return to continue, or type 'quit'(and return) to exit the script and change to the correct directory"

read F
if [ $F = "quit" ]
   then exit


for i in *; do
   echo "do you want to change the name of the file"
   echo $i ?
   echo "enter 'y' to rename it, or 's' to skip this file, or 'q' to exit this program"

   read INPUT
   while [ ${INPUT} != y ] && [ ${INPUT} != s ] && [ ${INPUT} != q ]; do
       echo "please choose from choices y, s, or q"
       read INPUT

   case ${INPUT} in
       y)  echo "enter the new name you would like to change the file to"
           read FILE_NAME
           mv "$i" ${FILE_NAME}
           if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then
               echo "the file named $i was changed to ${FILE_NAME}"
               echo "press return to continue"
               read pause
               echo "an error occurred when moving the file, exiting the script"
               exit 1

       s)  echo "the file $i was not renamed";;

       q)  exit;;


Edited by shanenin
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