Advice for newbie on vaporizer OR much better bong

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I've been smoking for a while. I use a bong, sometimes joints, and occasionally I make edibles. Lately I've been feeling that the smoke is affecting my lungs. Believe it or not, I actually run and play tennis (not well, but I try :)). I was thinking of a few options...:
1) A vaporizer
2) A better bong
3) Some combination. A new bong and a vaporizer.

I'm completely new to vaporizers. I've never tried one and don't understand them. Will I get just as high? Will it be better for my lungs? They seem incredibly expensive but I guess I'm willing to plunk down $200 if I'm convinced it will last and it will really help.
Another way to go (or in addition to), I'm not opposed to buying a better bong. I've attached a picture of mine. It's about $14.00 so practically anything anyone recommends would be better! Any recommendations from online places? My complaint about this one is I get a massive hit and it doesn't seem well filtered through the water. I know some force the smoke through coils of water. Believe it or not, I just cleaned this bong. It gets filthy fast! I'd be looking for a bong that gives a less harsh hit and is not impossible to clean.


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If you're looking for a smoother hit, upgrading your bong is definitely a good move. A piece with percolators or an ice catcher will cool the smoke and make it less harsh. Also, cleaning is a huge factor—some bongs are just built to get dirty fast. You can find affordable options that offer better filtration here: . As for vaporizers, they do hit differently, but many people find them way easier on the lungs.

Edited by PitSterw
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