Text messaging is revolutionizing wedding communication

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May is already here and like every year, the beautiful days launch the wedding season. Indeed, no less than 235,000 weddings were celebrated last year. The future bride and groom are therefore more and more numerous and are increasingly calling on wedding planning companies.
The competition is therefore tough for these agencies which are often self-employed or even micro-enterprises. Differentiation is therefore the key in this sector to organize as many weddings as possible in a short time window.
One of the strengths of wedding planners is organization and communication. Indeed, it is important to always be in contact with the future bride and groom, their families as well as your service providers.

Are you used to spending hours on the phone or sending emails?

Discover how WhatsApp will revolutionize your habits and improve communication with future brides and grooms and suppliers to organize the most beautiful weddings.

Prepare appointments with the future bride and groom.
In the event industry, appointments come one after the other and every Vietnam WhatsApp Number List minute counts. WhatsApp messages with an opening rate of over 96% can reduce the number of meetings with your clients. Indeed, an  can be easily used to inform the future bride and groom of the progress of the research such as the discovery of a new room or a new DJ. Your clients will be delighted to know more and will be able to share their impressions by WhatsApp with you.

Confirm appointments via WhatsApp with your partners and future bride and groom.
As a wedding planner, you certainly have a busy schedule with the various appointments with the bride and groom, for room visits as well as with your various partners.
The best solution to avoid missed appointments is the appointment reminder by WhatsApp . Thanks to our AP I, you will be able to connect your calendar and send confirmations to your service providers and the bride and groom. Your clients will be delighted to receive an WhatsApp from you and will not forget the key dates to make their day exceptional.
Don't forget to include the date, time and address in the body of the WhatsApp to make life easier for the lovebirds. They risk being lost between the various appointments with the caterer, the outfit fittings, the DJ, the room visits...

Send a text message to all wedding guests.
Most brides and grooms will send a “save the date”, followed by an invitation to their guests. WhatsApp are very useful to remind your guests of important information such as the date to confirm – or not – their attendance.
Thanks to the enriched WhatsApp , you can insert a short Google Maps link of the reception venue. The bride and groom will thank you because this link will allow guests to arrive on time and at the right destination.
The enriched WhatsApp can also be used to share a link that will redirect to the lovebirds' wedding list. No more unpleasant surprises when opening gifts for the lovebirds!
Reminder WhatsApp can be beneficial on the big day to remind the different locations and times of the civil and religious ceremony or the location for the aperitif and dinner. The guests will then be well informed and will not miss any moment of this very special day for your clients!

Contact our team today to discuss your WhatsApp needs to improve your communication with your suppliers and future brides and grooms. You can reach us on 01 80 961 962 or by clicking here.

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