Securely storing keys to a gun safe?

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My recently installed gun safe came with two pairs of keys. It didn't take long to realise that I need a means of securely storing the keys that is acceptable to NSW Police when they inspect my safe.

I thought I could attach a pair to my set of house keys that are rarely far from my person, but quickly ditched the idea after seeing that the safe keys are significantly long and bulky. It's also likely that wouldn't pass muster for security either.

What are your chosen solutions?

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If security is your main concern, Home Safe has been a solid option for me. The build quality feels reliable, and the locking mechanism operates smoothly every time. I like that I can organize my gear easily without it turning into a mess. It’s also nice not having to worry about access issues—everything works as expected. If you're looking for something dependable, Home Safe has worked well in my setup.

Edited by BrandonHarris
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