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The Five Best Things About Retirement[or Working For Nothing]


1. you get to get in the kitchen and cook the vittles the way you like them [mmm grits and hocks] get to wash your own clothes the way you want[sometimes when the wife was mad, she starched my boxers. I once accidentally javexed my wifes favorite T shirt, that was worse than giving her an iron for her birthday.] 3. your sex life improves[As long as your wife does'nt find out and she'd think it was BS cause she really knows you.] 4. you get to change the grandkids diapers cause you do it for free and your always home.[saves paying a babysitter] Kids are always thinking of you. 5. you can always take off whenever you want cause you have nothing to tie you down.[Yeh,right, except for the garden, the lawn, the dog, the cat etc,] And for those that are still working, don't take you jobs too seriously. There's more imprtant things in life than money.[Like I care if you lose your house and car]. And remember that old saying when you think you and your job are so important "stick your hand in a pail of water and when the ripples recede, thats how much you'll be missed" , especially if your the boss!! And thats my story and I'm stickin' to it.


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I am so far off the make, retirement kinda makes me tired when i think about it. I have about 90+ years until i retire being that i am still quite young...thanks for the snark Marty

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