Spam Emails Masquerade as ICANN Notifications

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Spam Emails Masquerade as ICANN Notifications

Lead to drive-by download attack

A spam campaign currently in circulation attempts to scare users into clicking on malicious links by claiming that their domain name has been suspended by ICANN. Victims are exploited and eventually end up on a Canadian Pharmacy site.<br style=""><br style="">

he new rogue emails have their "From" field spoofed to appear as originating from "ICANN Services" and come with a subject of "ICANN attention letter." The message inside reads "Your Domain Has Been Suspended" and and also contains instructions to click on a link for more information. Several ICANN logos and images were embedded in the body as well, in order to increase the scam's credibility.

Clicking on the included link leads users to a page that loads malicious code. The purpose of these scripts is to exploit vulnerable software on their computer and infect them with a backdoor. In addition, after the drive-by download part is complete the victims are dropped on a classic Canadian Pharmacy Site that advertises unregulated meds.

story - http://news.softpedi...NN-146090.shtml

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