Fox Sports Web Site Infected

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Fox Sports Web Site Infected

Rogue code injected to serve exploits By Lucian Constantin, Web News Editor

Security researchers warn that the Fox Sports website has been compromised by unknown attackers, who injected malicious code into a custom error page.

There are two separate offensive script tags, each of them created by a different infection. The page was detected by the ThreatSeeker Network system developed and operated by Websense, a Web security vendor.

Security researchers investigating the suspicious link determined that it was pointing to a custom "Page not Found" document, displayed in case of a 404 error. The first malicious script tag loads a script for an external domain used in cybercriminal operations before. In particular, this script is part of the latest version of a mass injection attack known as Gumblar. Highly obfuscated code is used to perform various checks to determine a visitor's browser, operating system or installed software, and then execute exploits for known vulnerabilities.

Full story at softpedia .. http://news.softpedi...ed-130940.shtml

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