Avast antivirus false positive

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I got hit hard with a false positive warning by Avast Pro that I had 2 trojans in my computer ... just about every program I had was presumably infected so I began the process of quarantine and in some cases had to delete. I paid a wee visit to the quarantine vault and picked one item and rescanned it only to find Avast had said there was no virus & scanned a few more only to find "no virus". Even my System Restore was partially emptied but no virus when rescanned in the vault ... aha, so we are dealing with a false positive ...

Win32.delf-MZG [trj]

Win32.ZBot-MKK [trj]

Anyone using Avast and gets a trojan warning ... do not panic .. it is a false positive so download the latest updates from Avast which will help clear the warnings. Mine have stopped and all is peachy cool now.

IN my case I found out too late and spent all night until 4:30 a.m. to get my computer back & functioning - software either reinstalled or repaired. I am not quite through yet but came to warn Avast users. fortunately I also saved code keys to software downloaded off the internet so was able to reinstal & have a bit more work to do. What a mess .... I have rescanned my computer with A-Squared full edition, Malwarebytes, Avast, and others and came up smelling roses.

When I am finished getting things in order .. I am hitting the bed before I fall asleep at the keyboard.

More on this topic here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=51647

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