Auto Twitter Profiles Used To Spread Scareware

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Auto Twitter profiles used to spread scareware

Hackers are getting around CAPTCHA

By Gregg Keizer

Hackers are using auto generated Twitter that post links to current topics in a bid to spread malware say security researchers.

Experts at both F-Secure and Sophos said the last Twitter attacks originated with malicious accounts registered by software.

The accounts, which use variable account and user names, supposedly represent US Twitter users. In some cases, the background wallpaper is customised for each account, yet another tactic to make the unwary think that a real person is responsible for the content.

Tweets from those accounts are also automatically generated, said Sean Sullivan, a security advisor with F-Secure. Some of the tweets exploit Twitter's current 'Trending Topics', the constantly-changing top 10 list of popular tweet keywords that the micro-blogging service posts on its home page. Others are repeats of real tweets.

Full story .. PCAdvisor -

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