Attack E-mails Use Fake Shipping Confirmation Ruse

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Attack E-mails Use Fake Shipping Confirmation Ruseby Erik Larkin

"A triple-payload e-mail attack that uses a fake shipping confirmation notice with a supposed attached label is making the rounds, according to Webroot.

A write-up from the company describes a social engineering ruse designed to nail someone who wasn't paying close attention, with a .zip file attachment that contains an executable disguised with an Excel file icon. The text of the e-mail tells the recipient to open the attachment to print a shipping label (one big clue that this is a scam).

Andrew Brandt makes the good point that changing the default Windows behavior to show file extensions can help thwart the common trick of using a fake document icon to disguise an executable file, assuming that the attached file made it through your anti-spam and antivirus programs. You'd have the chance to see that the supposed Excel file ended in .exe."

full details at PC World -

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