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Bearing in  mind the recent publication of the 10th edition, what (continued?) support is there with in ARIS to support this - noting that ARIS was certified for 9.2.

There are a number of (old) posts in the community that refer to ARIS supporting TOGAF - these older posts that I refer to contain out-of-date links.

Is there an up-to-date forum / workgroup / set of links / document repository that helps in the application of TOGAF and ARIS.


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I’ve been working with ARIS and TOGAF for a while, and it can be tough finding the most current resources. From my experience, ARIS has continued to support TOGAF principles, even after the 9.2 certification. I recently worked on a project where we used ARIS to map out our enterprise architecture, and while some of the older posts were helpful, I found more success by reaching out directly to ARIS support and the user community for the latest resources.

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