Hillibilly Joke

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I stole this from "Old LTS", too funny to leave it there. thanks to Andy. Copy, Paste,

The son of a hillbilly family went off to college and when he returned home for Christmas, his father asked him, "What are you studying in college?"

The son replied, "My favorite subject is geometry.

"Well, say something for us in geometry," ordered his father.

Now wanting to make his father appear ignorant in front of all their friends, he replied, "Pi R Square."

The father jumped to his feet and yelled, "Them darn college professors don't know nothing. Pie are not square, pie are round. Cornbread are square."

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That's funny!

For some reason it reminded me of someone from my childhood. I guess it was the Hillbilly title and then the cornbread made me think of corncobs... oh well I get sidetracked easily.

There was a family from "the hills" that moved near my folks' place in western Washington when I was little. I used to get in trouble from my Mom for staring in awe at the lady of the house when she was smoking a corncob pipe. That was back in the late 40's, when it was uncommon to see women smoking at all, let alone smoking a corncob pipe. (She also chewed tobacco which absolutely amazed me...I thought only my Dad, and a few other men he knew, chewed Copenhagen, which I thought was disgusting, but oh my a lady chewing it was Terrible in my 2 or 3 year old eyes! HA!) They were good people and good neighbors, who always lended a helping hand whenever needed. We missed them when they moved. I don't think I ever called them by name though, of course it was Ma'am or Sir in person, but always in private I would say "the lady with the corncob pipe". HA!

Thanks for the memory from long ago.

God bless everyone.

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