Facebook Applications Used For Phishing

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Aug19 2009

Facebook Applications Used For Phishing

by Jonathan Leopando (Technical Communications)

It would be easy to think that once someone has logged in successfully to Facebook—and not a phishing site—that the security threat is largely gone. However, that’s not quite the case, as we’ve seen before.

Earlier this week, however, Trend Micro researcher Rik Ferguson found at least two—if not more—malicious applications on Facebook. (These were the Posts and Stream applications.) They were used for a phishing attack that sent users to a known phishing domain, with a page claiming that users need to enter their login credentials to use the application. The messages appear as notifications in a target user’s legitimate Facebook profile, as shown below. The links to the malicious site are highlighted:

details & screenshots at trendmicro - http://blog.trendmicro.com/

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