The Real Face Of Koobface

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Aug6 2009

The Real Face of KOOBFACE

1:03 am (UTC-7) | by Ryan Flores (Advanced Threats Researcher)

A year after its first discovery, Koobface is still generating a lot of noise, no thanks to its high activity level over the past several weeks. But one year is a long time for a malware to stay alive. Storm didn’t make it out of its first year. Waledac has been around for a while, but it sleeps and wakes up only when it wants to. But Koobface? It has continued to maintain its success and just seems to keep on improving.

Although not as large and widespread compared to Storm or Waledac during their heydays, Koobface is a revolutionary malware in the sense that it is the first Web 2.0 threat to enjoy continuous success, which is significant in a time when social network sites reign supreme.

This is why we see it as important that we understand this threat, because the computing landscape is evolving and user behavior is changing, and with a malware like Koobface threatening the computing landscape, it is a Trend Micro duty stay on top of these threats.

If you want to know more about Koobface, feel free to read our research here: The Real Face of KOOBFACE.

TrendLabs for details & screenshots -

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