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Its so cool, you can hear a song in the car, remember just a fear of the lyrics. When you get to the computer google the lyrics, then download via "Amazon mp3". So easy :-). Best $.99 I spend.

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  JDoors said:
  shanenin said:
... remember just a fear of the lyrics. ... [emphasis added]

I can't figure out what word you meant to use. A tear? Nope. A leer? No ... :P

I'm also diggin' IE's "Accelerators."

I am missing something by not installing Accelerator with IE8?

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I love accelerators! Double-click a word (or select a phrase or sentence), an arrow pops up. The arrow leads to a menu of all the accelerators you have installed (with your most used or "default" accelerators for various categories in the first menu; your favorite search engine, favorite mapping tool, favorite social site, etc.). Lookin' for a place? Map it. What's that word mean? Define it. What the heck are they talking about? Search it. Need a pic of something? Do an image search. Someone mentions a movie? Look it up (I use Netflixes search). Look up a home on Zillow, share a story with your community (I use Facebook), anything anyone thinks you might want to do, you can instantly access it with an accelerator.

If enabled by the particular accelerator, you don't even have to GO to another site: Hovering over the menu pops up a mini-preview. Sometimes you get what you're looking for without even going anywhere.

Microsoft's Internet Explorer Add-on Page

Downsides? It doesn't work in a text box like I'm typing in now (that'd be useful for definitions, searches and spelling -- it DOES work in the finished post, however). Some aftermarket accelerators don't work well (just remove it -- don't install a bunch of them at one time just in case ONE of them is poorly designed -- it's like aftermarket "widgets" in that regard). On rare occasions the pop-up arrow gets in the way of the right-click "Copy" menu, if that's all you really wanted to use (that's really nit-picking though). You can, apparently, only have one "default" option for each category on the first menu (for example, I want SEVERAL "search" categories displayed in that first menu, you might want several social sites listed, etc. -- no biggie to use the "All Accelerators" menu).

If all browsers don't have this yet, they will.


Edited by JDoors
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