Beware Swine Flu Spam

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Beware Swine Flu Spam

Spammers seize on the timely topic to peddle meds, push money-making schemes, and even plant viruses of their own.

Jennifer Kavur, Computerworld Canada

Swine flu spam is spreading like a virus of its own and recently turned malicious.

"Spam campaigns often start with harmless e-mail messages and slowly build into more serious threats, according to Stephan Chenette, manager of security research at Websense Inc.

"Spammers are generally very well connected with each other and see how well it's working. It always goes through the test phase," he said.

They test campaigns with less threatening approaches, share feedback between each other, figure out what works and what doesn't and then launch increasingly harmful attacks, he explained. "

"By us seeing they've increased the number of e-mails that are going out surrounding the swine flu, it indicates that so far it's been a very successful campaign," he said.

Websense has been tracking this latest trend, which has grown in the past week. The number of e-mail messages with subject lines related to Swine Flu is in the tens of thousands, according to Chenette."

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