Lost+found: Worms, Exploits, Online Scanners

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27 April 2009, 13:26

Lost+found: Worms, Exploits, Online Scanners

Too short for news, too good to lose; lost+found is a round up of useful security information. Today, worms, exploits, online scanners and counting sheep

Conficker has caused an estimated $9 billion (approximately £6.1 billion) in losses: Cyber Secure Institute on the Conficker Controversy

Security Focus exploit post obviously changed prior to publication: udev exploit - SECURITYFOCUS.COM edits your exploits

F-Secure Online Scanner now supports Firefox through a separate add-on: F-Secure Online Scanner Beta Program

If androids count sheep: If androids DO sometimes dream of electric sheep, don't forget to declare sheepCount as a long int


(crve) Heise security - http://www.h-online.com/security/Lost-foun...s--/news/113158


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