Text Message Attack Steals Money From Bank Accounts

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Text Message Attack Steals Money From Bank Accounts

New mobile phone Trojan discovered by Kaspersky Lab is similar to a banking Trojan targeting PCs, but does its dirty work via text message

Jan 23, 2009 | 01:25 PM

By Kelly Jackson Higgins


A new Trojan is spreading via SMS text messages that instruct victims to transfer money from their bank accounts to attackers' phony accounts, according to Kaspersky Lab.

The malware, which attacks Symbian mobile phones, is similar to a banking Trojan that targets PCs. So far, the Trojan is going after customers of an Indonesian mobile provider, according to Kaspersky. The Python script-based malware is a new variant of another mobile Trojan written by Russian attackers.

The Trojan exploits a feature offered by the Indonesian mobile provider in which users can send an SMS text message to another subscriber to transfer money into his or her account.

More detail: http://www.darkreading.com/security/attack...cleID=212902232

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