Sun Patches Java Bugs

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Sun Patches Java Bugs

Gregg Keizer, Computerworld

Sunday, December 07, 2008 7:37 AM PST

"Sun patched at least 14 vulnerabilities in Java last week as it updated the popular software to version 6.0, build 11.

The release notes for Java 1.6.0_11 , as Sun dubbed the update, skimped on details about the security flaws that were patched, but listed a total of 14 alerts, each of which will presumably provide information about at least one vulnerability.

Those alerts have not yet been published, however, leaving users in the dark about the specifics of what has been patched.

Sun also addressed 34 non-security problems with 1.6.0_11, ranging from a data corruption bug to a compatibility issue with some Java-based games.

Windows users, who account for the bulk of Java's installs, can update by clicking on the Java icon in the Control Panel, clicking on the "Update" tab, then clicking the "Update Now" button. Users running other operating systems can grab the newest version from Sun's Web site."

full details here:

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