Micro Spyware Scanner

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hi team recently i posted in about the microsoft spyware scanner..and said i didnt have an opinion but would monitor it.

well i discvered some thing to night.on my p2 i uninstalled it because it wasent discovering any more than Adaware.how ever it scans in a different direction.

to day i installed IE toolbar wallpaper.and i had the scanner as an automatic scan.

well i got an appli called gonnasearch toolbar.which was trying to take over my address bar and search bar.which i had at blank

this s---t was embedded in ie toolbar wallpaper.

so the moral of the story is if you install toolbars ,addressbars.and search bars.

scan with this scanner straight away and you will save a lot of swearing and cursing and blaming bill gates for your mistakes.

recently i had trouble with a trojan and it came from one of these search bars.

if ide have had microsoft scanner on at the time it would have picked it up.

ive already uninstalled it from my p2 ,but i intend to go back in and reinstall it.

so i hope ive helped some one in some small way.

my you never stop learning in this biziness

take care out there.


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