Paypal Spam Warns Of Fraud, Installs Worm Instead

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PayPal Spam Warns of Fraud, Installs Worm Instead

"A new fake PayPal email message is being spammed — this time, it is not the typical PayPal phishing email that everyone is accustomed to. Instead of including links asking for the recipient’s personal information, this spammed message asks users to open a .ZIP attachment.

It informs recipients that their PayPal accounts were hacked, and that some fraudulent activity may have occurred. As part of security measures, “PayPal†is asking users to review the “report†in the .ZIP file and then contact the company if anything unusual is discovered.

The attachment that arrives with this spam, however, does not contain a report or any similar information.

Inside the .ZIP archive is a worm that infects the recipient’s computer upon execution.

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