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well my computer got messed up from a sp1 update and now it doesnt boot. i used a system rescue cd and i got rid of the bsod but now i got another problem. my startup repair doesnt detect anything wrong but it still doesnt start up. so i tried to go to a pre sp1 restore point and it goes well until "finalizing file restore..." and it just hangs there. it has not made progress in the last 20 hours. anyone know whats goin on? thanks.

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well not really. my sister really wants to save her pics of her baby. i heard there is a way to get them on to an external hd with a live linux cd, i assume like system rescue cd, but im not sure on how to do that. the startup repair doesnt do squat, says it fixes something but ends up going to a black error screen... not sure what to do...

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I think you may have to get those pictures off then format. Using Linux can be very easy. You will need to download a cd image from Here. Then you will need to burn it to a cd using the option, "burn as an image". You also need an external drive formatted as FAT. You may be able to use a external drive formatted as NTFS, but I am not sure what the Ubuntu support for that is.

Once you have all of your stuff(external drive and linux), plug in your USB drive, then boot from the linux CD. Once Linux is running, you should be able to drag your files(just like with windows) from the computer to the external drive. You may run into a few hiccups, if you do, we can help.

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