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has any one had any thing to do with tvcards

ok i buy the tv card

then what else is required

hardare software ect.

is a sattleite dish required

any ideas


Edited by martymas
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either one tho to the tv would be best

as i only have a 17 inch monitor

thanks bubba bob


First off...

Just to be sure you know this, not every "TV Card" can input data to your computer. Can be tricky depending on the maker's advertising.

I dont have much experience with this so I may not be of the most help.

What forum of television reciever do you have now? (ex: cable, antenna, etc)

All you need is the data to input to the TV card, and a cable... ( I would think, someone correct me if Im wrong)

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has any one had any thing to do with tvcards

ok i buy the tv card

then what else is required

hardare software ect.

is a sattleite dish required

any ideas


The TV cards usually have a tuner in them for over the air signals. (ie: crap like Jerry Springer and Oprah)

If you have cable tv, then you plug the coax into the card and watch it just as you would on a regular tv.

Last I checked, they don't work with satellite or premium digital cable. (ie: HBO type programming) But that was awhile ago. Things might be different now.

The only benefit I see for these cards are the ability to use your PC as a recorder. Some of them offer Tivo like control also. (without the monthly fees) Of course you need a big hard drive.

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Marty, If I'm correct, you discontinued your cable TV service? If so, you will have to have another source for reception. Re: satellite or antenna to get a signal that the card can use. If that's not possible, then your video card will allow you to view on-line programs only.(www) A TV card is only a receiver that plays nice with your computer.

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yes i had the digital tv discontinued

but i can relay it throught my compt monitor

in new zealand

tv isnt the easiest of medias

to use.

and tho our tv is free to air by the main carriers

there are things like hardware

that make it quite dear to start with.

so i thought i might try compt tv

i read where tv chanels are


in the sys



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