Vista Quick Launch Shortcuts

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Does any one know how to disable the shortcuts or hotkeys in the Quick Launch toolbar? I use the Win + n (0-9) for switching desktops in AltDesk but under Vista those hotkeys are automatically assigned. I have looked all over the registry and haven't found anyway to stop Vista from doing this.

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Busy at work right now... But I remember something about this a while back.

Give me untill tonight and I'll see if I can track it down. Will be at work untill around 5 pm MST. Then I'll see what I can find.

If that's not to late.

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Busy at work right now... But I remember something about this a while back.

Give me untill tonight and I'll see if I can track it down. Will be at work untill around 5 pm MST. Then I'll see what I can find.

If that's not to late.

No problem. I appreciate you looking into it.

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I'm still looking... Been playing with Vista and going through the Beta stages with it. And have read hundreds of articals on how to do things. Not finding where I found the info. But I know there was something on how to do what you want some time back.

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You might find what your looking for here. How- To - Geek

This looks like the place I was thinking about. But I'm not sure. I'll keep looking.

I had already found that site. In fact I posted a question about turning the hotkeys off in this topic; Built-in Quick Launch Hotkeys in Windows Vista. Sadly, there has no response. I'm guessing it'll turn out to be some registry key that doesn't exist but when added will allow the user to control the behavior.

Thanks for your efforts.

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From what I gathered searching your question. It appears that only the first 10 are locked in. Anything over 10 your can change. Maybe move or hide the first ten and then set 11 on up to run what you want. Maybe that will work. But in the meantime you got me going so now I will have to dig into this more.

One thing I have kinda found. But havent played with is user control over Audit Object Access.

Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policy > Audit Object Access. Seems everything in the Local Policy section is by default, set to deny any changes to ones system. Looks like anything one would want to change needs to be allowed. Maybe you might find what you need to do, to change the hotkeys might need to be allowed here.

But at this point it is only a guess, as I haven't got this far into the system yet to play with everything. There is alot more to Vista then what meets the eye, compaired to XP. And I have made it about a quarter of the way into the deeper settings.

Good luck.

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I actually looked at the properties for an icon on the Quick Launch bar and it did not have a Shortcut defined. I wonder if I assigned a bogus one if that would override the default one established by Vista. I'll have to try that out tonight.

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