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This is for those that haven't seen the 16 baby pandas.

SICHUAN, China -- One zoo in southwest China has its hands full with 16 baby pandas. The Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breed Center is dealing with the results of a breeding boom -- 16 pandas have been born since July, 2006. The brood includes five sets of twins. The cubs are weighed and measured every five days (see pics)

The heaviest tips the scale at just over 24 pounds, while the lightest weighs about 11 pounds. The pandas are due to stop suckling by February, 2007 just about the time they'll start learning to walk. Once weaned, the panda cubs will attend panda kindergarten. In the meantime, more little ones are expected at the center since 38 giant pandas were artificially impregnated.








hey thats a funny panda

Now pass them along because they're just too darn cute to keep to yourself.

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Tooooo Cute!!! Must go cuddle the dog because I don't have a panda....OK the dog was napping and didn't especially appreciate me distracting her from her "very important job" of keeping the couch from floating away, but I don't care. I needed a subsitute panda and the Sandydog is a little fat and cuddly when she feels like it....(OK, I tortured her :) )

Passing that on, Marty, thanks!


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yes they are cute

i thought you might like them

i love animals

strangly then nz was settled by man

there were no land mamals

but plenty of birds

we had one of the

biggest land birds known to man

called the giant moa

but when the native race settled the country

they killed them off for food

nz was abundant with sea and bird food

and man food

i believe the first native settlers were canabals

but when they next wave of migrants arrived


they killed the

early settlers off because didnt believe man shouldnt eat man

and they banished then to an island 500hundred miles off nz

called the chatam islands

captain cook by passed it when he found they were canabals

they were called moriori

who still exist there today

you would have thought they would have been extinct

by eating each other

in a way that is natures natural selection

if there is no meat

now we have burgers and weenies

and kfc


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