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I just recently bought a Intel Pentium 4 3.0 ghz processor 478 socket. The socket is good for my motherboard, both are 478. So I took off the old fan and heatsink and the old processor which is a 1.6 ghz pentium 4. So I took all that out, put the new processor on, but the new fan and heatsink would not fit on the jacks, so we had to put the old heatsink and fan on my new processor hopeing it would still work. Well we put it all on, closed the comp case, and turned it on. Well all that happend was a black screen. My comp made no noise or anything just a blank screen. Normaly when your motherboard does not like your cpu it will make a noise. But no noise was made. I was just wondering if you guys had any idea what is wrong, or what I could do to make it work

Thanks a lot

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What was the processor you removed and what exactly did you replace it with? The heatsink and fan shouldn't be a problem. Did you use thermal past on the heatsink? Remove the processor and make sure you didn't bend any pins. Did you hear any BIOS beeps at all? What mobo are you talking about?


Edited by garmanma
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I just recently bought a Intel Pentium 4 3.0 ghz processor 478 socket. The socket is good for my motherboard, both are 478. So I took off the old fan and heatsink and the old processor which is a 1.6 ghz pentium 4. So I took all that out, put the new processor on, but the new fan and heatsink would not fit on the jacks, so we had to put the old heatsink and fan on my new processor hopeing it would still work. Well we put it all on, closed the comp case, and turned it on. Well all that happend was a black screen. My comp made no noise or anything just a blank screen. Normaly when your motherboard does not like your cpu it will make a noise. But no noise was made. I was just wondering if you guys had any idea what is wrong, or what I could do to make it work

Thanks a lot

Most likely the Motherboard can't handle that high of a CPU. Check the site for your motherboard and see what the highest CPU it will accept.

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Besides socket you need to make sure the FSB(front side bus) is supported. Even if both of those are ok, sometimes the processors still may not work. You either have a prescott or northwood, my understanding is prescotts can be picky(need specific mobo support). Check to see if their is a bios update for your motherboard to support your new proc.

Just a thought, prescotts are notoriously hot. Your old heat sink may or may not be able to cool it properly.

Edited by shanenin
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The others are all making valid points. The only thing I would add is that the old heatsink and fan shouldn't keep it from at least booting. Assuming you put the cpu in properly and didn't bend any pins, did you remember to clear the cmos so the board can find its new cpu? It might not boot if it is going by the old cpu settings.

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