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Hello, I just bought a new vid card : Nvidia BFG 7800 GS OC(AGP), a new processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-57, and another gig of ram(2gigs all together now). I installed them both with absolutely no problems. About 4 days later my computer started beeping. It just beeps at random times in random rythms and random lengths. Sometimes it'll go on for minutes at a time, sometimes it has an irregular beep, sometimes it beeps a little and waits and beeps alot...etc. I do however notice, sometimes when i play games like call of duty it happens alot. Although, then other times, it doesn't. I haven't been able to exactly pin down what causes it. I checked the temp of my cpu which is always in the 25-39 C range. Also, my cpu fan is running at 2800 rpm. However, it says system fan is 0 rpm.. I'm not totally sure why.. but i think it has always been like that. I also opened my case and checked all the plugs to make sure they were all fully connected. I was just wondering if you guys have any ideas on what to do to fix this annoying beeping. Please help! Thank you.

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If I was to guess, I would say your video card is the culprit. If you have your old video card, I would run that for a while. See if that clears things up. It would be a good idea to run memtest86 also.

Edited by shanenin
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I am not certain(defective or conflicting). Of all of the things you mentioned, the video card just seemed like the most likely cause. It would seem unlikely that the proc or memory would account for that problem. This is just a hunch, but that seems to be the way I diagnose most stuff.

I have worked on a computer in the past that was beeping irregularly. I took it apart, including removing the motherboard, put it back together, it has worked fine ever since.

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so your advice is to send it back for a replacement to see if that fixes the problem? I know this is gonna be a wierd question.. but... is there some easy way for me to remove the speaker on the motherboard so that even if the new vid card doesn't do the trick.. i can stop the annoying beeping? It's not safe i know, but i don't really care anymore. Im pretty pee-o'd as it is....

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That is why I asked if you had your old video card(or onboard video), so you could use it for a few days to see if that alleviates your problem. It is not really fair to send back a good card as bad without really knowing. It would be a good idea to reseat(pull out and put back in) all of your cards and ram.

As to the speaker, it may just unplug, but some are soldered directly to the motherboard.

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normaly continous bleeping is video drivers

or incompatable ram

look go to

device manager

click your display adaptor

right click your

video card and take the option uninstall the display driver

then reboot you compt

if you have the driver cd

use that but wondows will find all

drivers but your dial up modem driver

once youve booted your compt

watch in the sys tray

for a hardware notice

let the sys configure and it will tel you when it is ready to use


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normaly continous bleeping is video drivers

or incompatable ram

look go to

device manager

click your display adaptor

right click your

video card and take the option uninstall the display driver

then reboot you compt

if you have the driver cd

use that but wondows will find all

drivers but your dial up modem driver

once youve booted your compt

watch in the sys tray

for a hardware notice

let the sys configure and it will tel you when it is ready to use


When you're in Device Manager, expand the tree and see if there are any red or yellow X's or exclamation points, that would detect a problem. Also what make is your motherboard?


Edited by garmanma
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I suggest you not to disconnect the speaker. You have a problem somewhere. It might just be annoying at the moment, but it will eventually get worse. You changed 3 things. Did you run Memtest86 as suggested? When you replaced your processor did you use heatsink compound?. BFG is pretty good with their support


BFG support

AMD forums

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no i didn't do memtest cuz i dont' know how to use it...

also, i just uninstalled drivers, reseated my vid card, reinstalled drivers(which took me 30 minutes cuz it kept freezing), and now im downloading the newest drivers.. as of now, no beeping is occuring. however, it could start in a few days like it did the first time...

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hi here is a graph of your post beeps

read the info

and you can see the reasons for many post beeps

and it tells you the reasons for those beeps

good luck

it would be a good idea to check your ram

if you have freezing


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